To my Bloggers

In your Heaven

Hello all you wonderful people! and welcome to Hope!

So I’m sure you have seen my post, and many posts like this, I’m sure, which are all incredible, by the way. You might be thinking…umm, another poetry blog? Nothing new, same old, same old. What’s so original? And you might want to scroll away. Maybe? Lol. Hope is a site where you feel joy and connection to yourself. To find yourself in who you are. Finding God’s presence In these small changeable moments, hope is not just a blog of poems. It’s hope for us to be better, knowing we will end the day with confidence and strength.

Not only does Hope include poems of life, but it also has my story of growing up in rough areas. And how I overcame those obstacles and continue to this day. I want to give you a glimpse of my life

to inspire those in similar positions or feeling like nothing is worth fighting for or cast down, not knowing what path to take. Honestly, it’s for anyone who wants to be inspired and encouraged in their everyday life.

I want to Thank you for all your support and love that come this way. My deepest thanks to all the followers and many more who want to be inspired!

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